Table of Contents

About Us

做这个的初衷是给我们在纽约一起创造的回忆以一个具像化形式展现 也是因为很多朋友近期会私聊问我纽约酒吧推荐,于是也是给大家一个小小的非常非常主观的分享。 这个list并不代表我们全部推荐,仅仅是记录了我们已经去过的在纽约的酒吧,我们也粗略的根据个人爱好从上到下打了推荐三颗星到推荐零颗星。 后期我们也会把和我们有深刻链接到酒吧故事分享在这里。

The initial idea was to create a tangible way to showcase the memories we've made together in New York. Recently, many friends have been asking me for bar recommendations in the city, so this is also a highly subjective list to share with them.

This list doesn't represent all of our recommendations; it's just a record of the bars we've been to in New York. We've roughly rated them based on personal preference, from three stars to zero stars. Later, we'll also share the stories of the bars that hold deep connections for us.

Personal Preference


Like: Gin/Rum/Japanese Whisky Base, Freshy/Fruity/Creamy/Rich


Like: Bourbon Whisky/Gin Base, Smoky/ Creamy/Rich

Don't Like: Rum, Tequila, Wine

