The Dead Rabbit

Basic Info

  • Tag: 2019 World’s Fifty Best Bar #22, Irish Coffee, Whiskey
  • Price: 1st Floor $15-25/drink, 2nd Floor Parlor $20-30/drink
  • Signature Drinks: Irish coffee, Doctor’s Order, USQUAEBACH
  • Line Up: FCFS, No Line Mostly
  • Rating: ***



The Dead Rabbit公开开放的酒吧分为两层(第三层专门做private event),一层分布由front & back bar组成,每个区域至少有2-3个Bartenders 每个季度会有新的menu, 圣诞等特殊假期也会有seasonal menu 这家是我们最爱去的一家Irish Pub,酒品丰富,主打Whisky Base,大多Cocktail偏重,3-4杯会微醺,周末凌晨经常会有乐队表演

Our Little Story

因为离曾经我们一起住的公寓十分钟步行,我们工作压力大时会randomly walk by,在这里和调酒师的互动很大程度上鼓励了我们有勇气后来其他地方和喜欢的调酒师攀谈。再说的感性一点,这家在我心里是我和纽约开始有深刻链接和无限回忆的地方。

不太记得是哪一次开始,我们经常会遇到同一个调酒师在我们进门的那一刻热情地打招呼,离开时还会跟我们说某一杯on her。(Fun story: 第一次Luca听到她说 It’s on me的时候还以为她在自豪的表达那杯酒是她做的)


从那之后我们成了她的常客,每一次看到我们都会请我们喝酒或者悄悄给我们减单,和她的熟识给了我们对纽约酒吧的期待,直到2024年四月初的某天 她告诉我们她要leave New York & Back to LA,也有了后来她最后一天上班我在死兔子喝black out和每一个留到凌晨三点离开的人抱头痛哭 第二天被Luca录的视频强行唤起记忆的尴尬/温馨往事。


Just a ten-minute walk from our old apartment, we would often find ourselves randomly walking by this bar when work pressures got too much. Our interactions with the bartender here gave us the courage to strike up conversations with bartenders elsewhere. Sentimentally speaking, this place is where my deep connection with New York began, filled with countless memories.

I don’t quite remember when it started, but we frequently encountered the same bartender who would warmly greet us as we walked in and often say there was a drink on her when we left. (Fun story: the first time Luca heard her say “It’s on me,” he thought she was proudly announcing that she made the drink herself.)

She later introduced herself as Lizzy and told us which days she usually worked.

From that point on, we became regulars. Every time she saw us, she would either treat us to drinks or discreetly reduce our bill. Knowing her set our expectations high for other New York bars. But in early April 2024, she told us she was leaving New York and heading back to LA. This led to her last day at work, where I blacked out at The Dead Rabbit and ended up tearfully hugging everyone who stayed until 3 AM. The next day, Luca’s video recording brought back those embarrassing yet heartwarming memories.

After we moved, Lizzy also started her new life in LA. With the distance, we couldn’t visit as often, but through the two cycles of 4 seasons in New York, The Dead Rabbit remained filled with warm memories that helped us escape the pressures of life.

Irish Coffee